Apache Open Office 3.4.1 Freeware Merupakan aplikasi untuk kantoran seperti halnya MS Word, Excel, Power Point atau Access.ile format compatibility yang sudah support untuk windows. akan tetapi tidak sehebat Office. bagi yang mau silahkan download link nya di bawah ini.
Feature :
Apache OpenOffice.org Writer - The powerful word processor:
· The powerful word processor
· Wizards to produce standard documents such as letters, faxes, agendas, minutes.
· Styles and Formatting to put the power of style sheets into the hands of every user.
· AutoCorrect dictionary, which can check your spelling as you type.
· AutoComplete to make typing easy
· Text frames and linking for newsletters, flyers, etc..
· Table of contents, index for complex documents
· OpenDocument and MS-Word .doc format compatible
Apache OpenOffice.org Impress - Impress your audience:
· Master Pages and Layouts simplify the task of preparing your materials.
· Complete range of Views are supported: Normall / Outlline / Slide Sorter / Notes / Handouts to meet all the needs of presenters and audiences.
· Easy-to-use drawing and diagramming tools to spice up your presentation.
· Slide show Animation and Effects to bring a presentation to life.
· Fontworks provides stunning 2D and 3D images from text.
· OpenDocument and MS-Powerpoint .ppt file format compatibility
Apache OpenOffice.org Calc - The full-featured spreadsheet:
· Natural language formulas let you create formulas using words (e.g. "sales - costs").
· Hundreds of spreadsheet functions with built-in expert help
· Scenario Manager allows "what if ..." analysis at the touch of a button.
· Powerful graphics to extract the meaning from your numbers
· Pull in data from external databases with DataPilot technology
· OpenDocument and MS-Excel .xls file format compatibility
System Requirements for Apache OpenOffice 3.4
Microsoft Windows
- Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 *)
- 256 Mbytes RAM (512 MB RAM recommended)
- At least 650 Mbytes available disk space for a default install (including a JRE) via download. After installation and deletion of temporary installation files, Apache OpenOffice will use approximately 440 Mbytes disk space.
- 1024 x 768 or higher resolution with at least 256 colours
- *) AOO 3.4.1 and older releases where not explicitely tested with Windows 8. However, some surface tests and several user reports show that it is compatible in general. This is also the statement of Microsoft itself (see "Microsoft Windows Compatible Center").
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Title :
Apache Open Office 3.4.1 Freeware
Description : Apache Open Office 3.4.1 Freeware Merupakan aplikasi untuk kantoran seperti halnya MS Word, Excel, Power Point atau Access.ile format co...
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