Menggunakan novaPDF, baik pengguna individu dan bisnis dapat membuat dokumen PDF dengan mudah, membuat proses kolaborasi yang lebih efisien. Dengan hanya beberapa klik laporan, kontrak, workflow, perjanjian, rencana pemasaran, spreadsheet, bentuk, daftar produk, daftar harga, grafik, email atau dokumen cetak lainnya dikonversi dalam format PDF. Tujuannya adalah untuk memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan pertukaran dokumen elektronik lebih mudah, independen dari aplikasi di mana mereka awalnya dibuat. File PDF yang dihasilkan dapat dilihat pada setiap komputer dengan PDF viewer (reader) diinstal.
Feature :
Universal Printing
Using novaPDF you convert to PDF any type of printable document (i.e. DOC, XLS, PPT, PUB, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, PUBX, HTML, TXT,...), accessing its functionality through a printer driver interface.
Works on both 32 and 64-bit Windows operating systems and doesn't require 3rd party programs such as GhostScript or runtime environments like .NET Framework.
PDF Security
You can secure your PDF documents by requiring others to enter a password in order to view, print or copy/paste content from the PDF.
Merge PDF Files
You can append or insert the content of the document being converted to an existing PDF file.
PDF Overlay
This allows adding the content of the document currently being printed via novaPDF as the background or foreground of an existing PDF file, with options to customize the position of that added content.
PDF Links Support
Any visible text that starts with "http://", "www", "mailto:", "ftp://" or "file://" in your original document can be converted to clickable active PDF links if you choose to do so.
Send PDF via Email
Can be configured to automatically email the generated PDF files.
Auto-save PDF Files
When creating a PDF file you can have novaPDF prompt you each time where to save the PDF file, or you can define predefined auto-save settings.
High Quality PDF files
You can create searchable PDF files and maintain the original layout by embedding fonts and using different image resolutions.
Free Support
You are entitled to free customer support, even if you are using the unregistered version (registered users are answered first).
Add-ins for Microsoft® Office
novaPDF comes with add-ins for Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) that allows one-click conversion to PDF.
PDF Bookmarks
novaPDF can detect the headings in the document to be printed and add bookmarks in the generated PDF files.
PDF Digital Signatures
If you have a digital signature you can sign your PDF documents thus certifying the authenticity and integrity of the PDF document for the recipient.
PDF Watermark
You can stamp an entire PDF (or individual pages from it) with an image or text that can have rotation, opacity, color variation or other effects.
PDF/A Compliance
Creates PDF files compliant with the PDF/A-1b specification for RGB colorspace thus can be used for long-term archiving of documents in PDF format.
Public Profiles
Available in the server editions, these profiles are created on the PDF server computer and are automatically propagated to all client computers.
Font Embedding
novaPDF supports TrueType, OpenType and Type1 fonts and allows you to embed the fonts (or only font subsets) to ensure portability.
Shared Network PDF Printer
novaPDF Server can be installed on one computer in a network environment (printer server) and used by any other computer in that network, without having to install it on each computer.
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