Mengubah foto menjadi lukisan yang indah hanya dalam tiga langkah mudah dengan Corel ® Paint it! ®. Fun software lukisan foto ini mengambil kenangan foto favorit Anda dan ajaib mengubahnya menjadi unik, yang dilukis dengan tangan karya seni. Cukup memilih gaya lukisan dan tekan Photo Mulai Painting. Kemudian tambahkan efek menyenangkan untuk membuatnya benar-benar milikmu. Menyimpan, mencetak, berbagi secara online atau membingkai karya seni foto Anda. Voila, itu hidup Anda, otomatis dicat!
Features :
Oil – applies a combination of short dabs and longer brushstrokes to produce the color and texture of oil paint
Impressionist – applies short and very visible brushstrokes to create the illusion of movement and light
Modern – applies bold brushstrokes and adds vibrance to colors to produce an abstract reinterpretation of a photo
Illustration – applies a wide variety of brushstrokes to produce an illustration-style painting
Detailed Watercolor – applies a translucent wash to produce the smooth, soft effect of watercolor paint on your photo
Watercolor Sketch – applies a combination of drawn lines and watercolor brushstrokes that add depth, texture and contrast
Colored Pencil – applies fine-tipped colored pencil strokes
Pencil – applies graphite pencil strokes that appear to be drawn by hand
Pen and Ink – applies sketchy strokes with a pen and black ink that appear to be drawn by hand
Pastel – applies colored pastel strokes that appear to be drawn by hand
System Requirements :
Windows XP®, Windows Vista® or Windows® 7 (with latest Service Pack)
Pentium® IV, 700 MHz or greater
1 GB of RAM
24-bit color display
1024 × 768 screen resolution
140 MB of hard disk space for installation
Homepage : http://www.painterartist.com
Link Download
Title :
CorelPaintit Portable
Description : Mengubah foto menjadi lukisan yang indah hanya dalam tiga langkah mudah dengan Corel ® Paint it! ®. Fun software lukisan foto ini meng...
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