SPSS (Statistikal Package for the Social Sciens) adalah program komputer yang dipakai untuk analisis statistika. sistem manajemen data pada lingkungan grafis dengan menggunakan menu deskriptif dan kotak-kotak dialog yang sederhana sehingga mudah untuk dipahami cara pengoperasiannya. SPSS banyak digunakan dalam berbagai riset pemasaran, pengendalian dan perbaikan mutu (quality improvement), serta riset-riset sains. dan masih banyak lagi kelebihannya.
What's new in version 22 :
Automated output modification
Automated output modification applies formatting and other changes to the contents of the active Viewer window. Changes that can be applied include:
All or selected viewer objects
Selected types of output objects (for example, charts, logs, pivot tables)
Pivot table content that is based on conditional expressions
Outline (navigation) pane content
The types of changes you can make include:
Delete objects
Index objects (add a sequential numbering scheme)
Change the visible property of objects
Change the outline label text
Transpose rows and columns in pivot tables
Change the selected layer of pivot tables
Change the formatting of selected areas or specific cells in a pivot table based on conditional expressions. For example, make all significance values less than 0.05 bold.
Web reports
A web report is an interactive document that is compatible with most browsers. Many of the interactive features of pivot tables available in the Viewer are also available in web reports. You can distribute results in a single HTML file that can be viewed and explored on most mobile devices.
Simulation enhancements
You can now simulate data without a predictive model.
Associations between categorical fields can now be captured from historical data and used when simulating data for those fields.
There is now full support for simulating categorical string fields.
Essentials for Python
IBM® SPSS® Statistics - Essentials for Python is now installed by default with IBM SPSS Statistics, and it also now includes Python 2.7 for all supported operating systems. By default, the IBM SPSS Statistics - Integration Plug-in for Python uses the version of Python 2.7 that is installed by IBM SPSS Statistics, but you can configure the plug-in to use a different version of Python 2.7 on your computer.
Support OS
Windows 7 Professional, Windows 8 Enterprise, Windows 8 Pro, Windows 8 RT, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows XP Professional, Windows 7 Enterprise
Support Langgunage
Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese Brazilian, Russian, Spanish
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IBM SPSS Statistik 22 Full Version + Serial + Patch
Description : SPSS (Statistikal Package for the Social Sciens) adalah program komputer yang dipakai untuk analisis statistika. sistem manajemen d...
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